Wed. Mar 26th, 2025

How to send an anonymous SMS on iPhone ?

We send dozens of sms a day. The process is simple, just go to your mailbox, select a recipient, write your message and send. However, it is possible to’Send anonymous SMS from N’No mobile device.

If you have an iPhone, the protocol will be a little different. Here are the steps to follow to send an anonymous SMS with an iPhone.

Use a new mailbox

To send an anonymous SMS with an iPhone, you can go through a mailbox. It is then necessary to create a new messaging address. Then, you must find which operator corresponds to your recipient’s phone number. For this, go to Wikipedia And look for the list of prefixes of mobile operators.

Once you’ve created your new mailbox, while keeping your secret identity, press “new message». Leave the gameobject”Virgin and inform the’Address of the recipient as follows: telephone number, arobase, name of the’operator and add “.Fr”. You will get an address similar to it: [email protected]. You only have left’to write your SMS and to the’send.

I’Tip is the same to send an anonymous D SMS’an Android.

IOS applications to send an anonymous SMS

If the email box solution does not suit you, you can download an application compatible with iOS to send an anonymous SMS. All apps work via the internet, so you must have a connection to send messages. The best known D’between them remains text+, but there are many’Others like Pinger, Textme, Textnow, Wikr…

Text +

Text + is an inexpensive app that is very complete. You can send unlimited anonymous SMS and Insert images or videos. There are different types of’Subscriptions according to your needs.

You can even make calls from the United States or to an American number without paying a plan exceeding.

Text me

Text me

Similar to text +, this application allows‘Get temporary phone numbers to stay anonymous. You can call n’whatever issue in the world. Nevertheless, like most apps for anonymous SMS, Text me does not allow’call numbers’emergency.


Wikr is a social network that respects your personal data 100 %. Indeed, to register, you n’Do not need to enter your email address or phone number. Each message is encrypted with a different code for each use.



Whisper is one of the apps that allow you to’Send and receive SMS discreetly. Indeed, even the owners of the’app cannot access your messages ! In addition, you will not be invaded by untimely advertisements.

What’You have to know before D’Send an anonymous SMS

What you need to know before sending an anonymous SMS

Sending an SMS while hiding your identity can be exciting. Nevertheless, it is better to use this service for a positive and benevolent purpose. Read the legal notices of applications to protect yourself.

Moreover, n’Never send anonymous SMS to hurt or threaten a third party.

The repercussions can be substantial. Your recipient n’has no way of knowing who is hidden behind the anonymous messages but the police can easily Trace your address iP and identify you. Telephone harassment is punished by law up to 15,000 euros in’fine and d’one year in prison.

It is therefore preferable D’Send an anonymous SMS to make a constructive joke to a friend. Otherwise, apps or’Mail box tip can be rescue solutions in case you n’have more credit or your email service is temporarily HS.

Now you know how to send an anonymous SMS with an iPhone. You n’have more than’To write your message !