Mon. Mar 31st, 2025

Android Wear from device to device is becoming a more mature solution

Sylwester Madej, co-founder of Outline – a company specializing in Android app development, Java and Android programmer in 3 Questions for Mobile Trends Conference speaker talks about what he knows best – namely apps specifically. He also reveals his perspective on the world of smartwatches and explains why wearables deserve to be called the strongest trend of the past year.
If you had to leave only three apps on your phone, which one would be your choice and why?

  • Twitter – My primary social network, a source of news and interesting discussions. Twitter continues to amaze me with the ability to talk directly to anyone, unavailable in other media.
  • INGMobile – ING bank's excellent app, which I use on a daily basis. Unusual UX allows you to make transfers with one finger, in seconds. I often find myself doing a transfer to the card before standing at the checkout 🙂
  • DuoLingo – A cool way to train foreign languages. Learning a few vocabulary words in Italian is, for me, the best use of time in line at the post office. The clear UI, gamification elements and use of a delayed replay system are in favor of this app.

What do you think was the biggest "revolution" or the strongest mobile trend in 2021?
Definitely smartwatches. Both Google and Apple have presented their ideas in this area. Android Wear from device to device is becoming a more mature solution.

It's hard to comment on the Apple Watch yet, though it will be a hit either way.
One thing is certain. The approach to watches, as a natural extension of smartphone capabilities, is becoming dominant. Samsung Gear being an all-in-one device, has not received enough attention from customers.

In addition, there is a growing trend toward integrating watches and fitness bands.
Give a talk at Mobile Trends Conference 2022. What will your presentation be about?
The topic of my lecture was „Implementation of Material Design on Android Lollipop and older”. With the entry of Android 5.0 Lollipop, Google has announced a new approach to the design of application interfaces. The purpose of my presentation will be to show how to take advantage of the new features introduced by Material Design in your own apps. It turns out that this is a non-trivial task, especially for devices that do not have Lollipop (currently >90% of the market). Shows what can be achieved using the AppCompat library and external libraries.

The presentation, along with the source code provided, will be a useful tool for anyone who wants to move their apps into the Material Design world.