Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

What 2022 will bring? Mobile trends for the coming year.

The end of the year is a time for summaries, but also for predictions for the coming year. Tomorrow we say goodbye for good to 2021, whose mobile summary you can read here. Now is the time for mobile predictions about the next twelve months.

Experience has taught many mobile enthusiasts that it is not worth waiting for a mobile revolution, because the mobile world is governed by the law of evolution, not rapid change. What 2022 may bring? Below you will see a collection of the most common predictions and trends.

Internet of Things

It is said that while 2021 was supposed to be the year of wearables, 2022 is supposed to be the year of the Internet of Things. Of course, not all Internet of Things solutions will be fully developed and realized in the next 12 months, but this timeframe could result in a major development of this type of technology. Autonomous cars, smart appliances and home appliances, all managed via smartphone – these and other solutions are sure to be in the spotlight of many industry players.


It was 2021 that was supposed to be the year of wearables, but reality has verified these predictions. The first delights of smartwatches or smartglasses are long behind us, but now many users are still patiently waiting for the development of these technologies to enjoy, for example. smartwatch without worrying about constantly recharging its battery. 2022 may bring solutions to the biggest problems facing wearables, resulting in the proliferation of these devices.

Not to forget that the beginning of the year will also see the launch of sales of the long-awaited Apple Watch, which all loyal fans of the brand will be tempted by.

Beacons and other commercial (and non-commercial) solutions

There is more and more talk about technologies using BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy). Beacons have generated the most buzz around them, which may soon make themselves at home in many stores, revolutionizing the customer experience. Also, more and more original m-marketing solutions may cause stores to change from day to day and shopping – even in stationary stores – will take on a “mobile” dimension, and mobile marketing will be apt and effective as never before.

Beacons can also find applications in places other than stores – museums or public buildings, as evidenced by The award-winning “Virtual Warsaw” project, helping the blind get around the city.

Enhanced batteries

The main problem with wearables is the very low capacity of their batteries. Work on combating this problem will most likely also result in an increase in the battery capacity of smartphones and tablets, allowing a full day (or even longer) of intensive work on these devices, without worrying about the battery “running out” any moment now.


The mHealth and fitness branch is a trend that has already begun to develop in a significant way in 2021. Mobile devices, both smartphones and wearables (primarily smartbands) have become both personal trainers and doctors of sorts. The number of apps and devices that monitor vital functions and physical activity will continue to grow, along with the increasingly specialized measurements that mobile devices will be able to take.

On the one hand it is good that health is becoming fashionable and we can take care of it with the help of a smartphone, but on the other hand there is a concern that soon the patient will trust his phone more than a specialist.


A good few years ago the law of “smaller = better” ruled when it came to the size of phone screens, but now the trend is definitely the opposite. Even the iPhone has succumbed to the fashion for large screens, releasing the iPhone’6 in an enlarged size. The fashion for large screens will continue in 2022, causing phablets, i.e. phones with screens so large that they balance between a smartphone and a tablet, to potentially dominate the mobile market.

Mobile payments

Apple’s work on the introduction of the Apple Pay mobile payment system has sparked another trend in mobile payments. In the beginning, paper money “disappeared” from our wallets, replaced by debit and credit cards, and now they too may disappear, replaced entirely by mobile payments. According to Somo Global, mobile payments are expected to account for as much as 60.8% of all payments in 2022.

The new dimension of apps

It is no secret that the vast majority of our time spent with a smartphone in hand is taken up by apps. In 2022, they may gain another dimension, as there is a current trend to move away from typical native apps to apps that will “communicate” with the user primarily from notifications and the phone’s lock screen. Apps are also becoming “smarter” – they will constantly analyze the user’s location and behavior to make the best possible recommendations, meet the user’s needs and help navigate the app.